Imagine another way

for you and your kids to connect with nature, each other and their own deepest selves

for you and your kids to connect with nature, each other and their own deepest selves

Study after study has shown us how important awe, wonder, being in nature, and finding community are in raising kids who are whole and happy. The research also tells us how crucial it is to cultivate the spiritual lives of our kids. But as more and more of us are leaving the religious institutions we grew up with, we often aren’t sure how to do that in a way that actually reflects our values and beliefs. 

That’s why Imagine Cincinnati was born.

Care-Free Family Playgroups

Not your typical playgroup, this is a safe place for you to breathe and for your kids to experience more wonder, fun and belonging outdoors. Now hosting weekly groups in Pleasant Ridge, Oakley and Madeira (coming late 2024).

See Calendar

What we do :

3 kids playing in a red sandbox

AWE4All Seasonal Celebrations

From Lenten bonfires on urban farms to full moon yoga and family dinners, we come together to make nature’s seasons and religious holidays more meaningful, inspiring and easy for you and your family.

See Calendar

A woman and two children sit on a bench near a bonfire

Coaching & Collaborations

Ever imagined hosting an enchanted tea party or a Neighborhood Night Out? Discover how we can help your nonprofit or faith organization find more ways to collaborate and support families in your community.

Contact Us

a father and mother walk through the woods while swinging their child in the middle

We’re here to help you :

create rhythms & rituals

We host spaces where you can create rhythms and family rituals that connect you and your kids more deeply to others and to yourself,  and explore new ways of connecting with God/the divine/higher power/the sacred- however you name or experience the sacred.

explore your own path

We offer ways to cultivate your own spirituality, whatever that may look like, without anyone looking over your shoulder telling you what it should be, or that you’re not doing it right. We help you incorporate practices that are healing and life-giving for you and your family. 

find grounding in nature

We make it fun (and easy) for you and your little ones to connect with nature, and experience the calming, healing and grounding benefits of simply being outdoors. All while teaching your kids how to more fully appreciate and care for the world we live in.

discover you’re not alone

We give you a way to connect with others who are in the middle of raising kids too, in an atmosphere where you can honestly share the struggles and joys of caregiving and find support in helping your kids become the kind, whole and compassionate people you want them to be.

So you can raise kids who :

know how to care for themselves - body, mind & spirit

respect and value others and the planet and aren’t afraid of differences

thrive in community and feel like they belong

are resilient, compassionate, creative, grounded, and happy

“I have gone to several playgroups, and “Care-Free Fridays” has been the only one where it was easy for me to connect with other people, rather than just being a spot to entertain my child for an hour or two.”

parent of an 18-month old

“Imagine Cincinnati is helping me understand what it could look like to imagine a spiritual community differently. It doesn’t always have to look like a traditional church, but it does always feel so life-giving for my soul.”

parent of four under 11

“The playgroups I’ve attended…helped me walk away feeling less alone/isolated as a stay-at-home parent. I love getting to learn from other families about their traditions and beliefs. It helps me feel more comfortable in talking to my own kids about differences and community. And now we see people we know when we’re out and about in our neighborhood!”

parent of 3 and 4 year olds